Our media product of an opening sequence of a
horror we tried to make it appeal to a wide range of target audiences. The
demographic for most horrors are young adults aged around fifteen to
twenty-five as these are the people who are looking for films to be filled with
a fear factor and packed with adrenaline rushes. Other research I have found on
is that this genre of horror the demographic is the gender of males is as they
seem to enjoy the conventions of blood and the fear of the unknown as to what
or who is the killer.
Deciding on the demographic target audience for our horror was quite
tricky as we had to incorporate all our ideas for the horror to fit a certain
target audience to make to appeal to the. Our characters for our horror were aged eleven to seventeen which
fitted our target audience as we were aiming the film toward teenagers. The age
of the characters are important to take into consideration when deciding the
target audience for the horror. This is because you want them to be relatable
to the audience, and to make them feel more connected to the film. The audience
is for teenagers and young adults of both genders which link back to the data I
found when doing my questionnaire on horror films. The age of these character
also help make the film seem more realistic as this contrasted with the age of
the victims in the film and the age of the audience watching most horrors. This
helped create one of the most important elements used in a horror which is to
make sure the characters connect to the audience otherwise they won’t connect
to the film and wouldn’t be scared of it.
on the demographic target audience for our horror was quite tricky as we had to
incorporate all our ideas for the horror to fit a certain target audience to
make to appeal to them. We finally concluded that our target audience would be
young adults fifteen plus and of both genders. Our secondary audience would be
young couples who go to the cinema together to watch horror films. We didn’t want to limit our age range too
much as we wanted it to appeal to many people instead just one group. We also
decided that the social class for our film would be middle/working class as
teenagers in this social group have access to pocket money and would spend this
disposable income on social activities like going to the cinema. Whereas, the
upper class would have less social hours due to the high demands of their occupation.
We took costumes into consideration once we had set our target audience
to reach the target of teenagers as we wanted it to be relatable to them. The
costumes the teenagers wore in our production could be classed as the
stereotypical fashions that teenagers wear in the present. This was because we
wanted the characters to seem realistic to the audience and make them relatable
as the character would seem believable so therefore they could empathise with
them and make them more connected to the film as they seem to be any other
normal teenager making it all seem more real adding to more fear.
setting of our horror helped us reach our teenager target audience as it was
set in a park location. This made it more relatable to the younger generation
as friendship groups go out to parks to socialise which is a key part of
teenagers live. Thus, making it more believable as teenagers do go to parks so
could ultimately feel like they could be in that situation creating one of the
conventions of a horror which is realism.
To conclude, our target audience for our horror was both genders aged
fifteen plus. Giving the certificate fifteen meant that nobody below the age of
fifteen could watch it as it wasn’t suitable for them but anything above could
watch it as it was the target we were aiming for. A film we took reference to
was ‘The Shining’ created in 1980 is a certificate of fifteen as although it
does have a certain level of gore, one of the key characters is a young boy so was
it more related able to this age category. Our opening sequence of a horror
doesn’t contain much violence only that of when the killer wrestles one of the
main characters ‘Lucy’ to the ground causing her to become unconscious and then
he slashes her head causing her to bleed which is one of the conventions of a
horror film. However, we felt that we didn’t want to put in much violence and
gore into the horror as it would have become the sub-genre of a slasher horror
and we didn’t want it to become one of them as the certificate would have to
become eighteen which would limit the audience for our film. In addition, we
had to put a realistic age ban on the film to make sure we had the right and
suitable target audience for the contents of our opening sequence.
Most horror films have certificates of fifteen or eighteen as this age
range and above is the range they are aiming for as the purpose of the film has
been created for this certain audience as they conventions used are the fear
factor that will have the most effect on these ages. Choosing the ages of the
characters were not as easy as I expected as we as a group had to think about
what would be the appropriate ages to use so they fit in with the film genre of
horror and the storyline we had created.