Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Pitch ideas


Newspaper articles:

Once we had researched and explored certain genre areas we felt horror was the genre of film we would be best at producing. We then decided to pitch our ideas on horror themes by mind mapping.  

However, we also thought it would be useful to look through newspaper articles for inspiration on storylines. In addition we felt we could try and produce three storylines one each for horror, a rom-com, and a thriller as we felt it would help us when decided what genre we wanted to produce.

The images above are screen shots I took of what one of our group members tweeted our sixth forms twitter page of the three different genre film storylines.

We made up these storylines from ideas we got from different newspaper articles about a variety of stories. We felt that by looking at newspaper articles we could expand on some of the storylines which could actually result in us producing a faint storyline of our horror production.



 Mind mapping for the horror:


-          As a group we participated in a mind mapping session to write down all our ideas for our horror.
-          All three members of the group provided different ideas for the horror, so we had a wide range of ideas which was helpful when deciding what genre of horror it should be.
-          In the half an hour session we came up with various ideas and discussed what we felt were the best ideas to use and why.
-           Once all our ideas were down we could see which locations linked with the certain themes we had thought of for our horror.
-          We ranked each idea in ascending order to decide which ideas we felt were best and which ones we felt were not.
-          Once we had some feel for which ideas we felt were best we could then start to expand on them. For instances, thinking what kind of actors we would need to suit the horror and what non-diegetic music would suit the theme.  
-          By creating a mind map we could see all of our ideas on paper which really helped getting all our thoughts down as we were able to organise them and see which we could link to one another to maybe combine some together.
-          We then had discussion and voted which ideas we thought was best and if there were disagreements we could try and link the two ideas together, so the mind map was useful as we could set out all our ideas grouped together.
-          We decided on the idea of the mask in our horror as we found it to be the most scariest prop from our questionnaire and we felt from our mind mapping session that we all wanted to include a mask.


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