Our preliminary task is to test our understanding of the 180 degree rule. Including these factors: continuity, close ups on objects, objects passed, through a door.
What were my roles in the planning, filiming and editing of the film?
One section to my role was to make sure we had the correct terms for the story board and make sure the pictures were showing the right angles such as the close ups and pan.
My role during the filimng was to be part of the cast, I had to walk through a door so we could show different camera shots such as the 180 degree rule. In adittion another camera angle we thought was important to use was the over the shoulder shot as it would show the perspective of each character as it shows the scene from their eyes.
I also flimed a bit so I could make myself fimilar with the camera and how it works. This will be useful for when we actually do the practical as I will be able to use the camera.
During the editing process we worked as a team to make sure everyone had a chance to use the editing software and make sure everyones opinion were valid. It was useful to use the software as we could play around with the settibngs to see how it would affect our film we played around with the dissovling buttom and it actually made for a better cut and portrayed more of a seamless edit.
Did we work well together within our group?
We worked well together as a group as we listened to all of our views which was fair. We also all had a chance to use the equipment such as the camera and editing software on the Macs.
In addition to listening to each others veiws we also shared the work load which meant we werent just relying on one person.
However, our weaknesses were that we could of done was used a tripod to make our camera work more steady as some of the scenes werent steady which meant this could
disorientate the audience.
What was enjoyable about this preliminary task?
I enjoyed editing the most in this preliminary task as I found it interesting to see how much you can chnage the scene by using the software available. I enjoyed adding sounds as it meant we were able to create an affect which meant the audience can sense the emotions of the scene and can relate to it.
What I learnt from the production process?
This experience was very useful as it helped me understand how the camera worked and what the fuction of each button was. In addition it was useful as it meant we could see how the camera zoomed in and out of focus points and the 180 degree rule, these camera angles meant we could see which worked best and at what point of the scene it should be used in. I also learnt how to edit the film and how much the angle of the camera affected the dramatics of the scene.
What can I take forward from this process?
I will be able to take all these things I have learnt forward with me as it means it will be easier to do our partical as I know how the camera works and quite confident with how to use the editing software.